Avocado Mouse Cake
Avocado Mousse Cake
I have modified this Avocado Cream Cheese Mouse Cake
The Base for 9 inches Square and 22 Cm Circle Cake Tins
20 packs of Marie biscuits (4 pc each) Coconut flavour crushed
125 gm butter - melted pour into biscuits mix, add hot water if too dry
Press evenly on the base of the cake Tins.
Sponge cake as base
Avocado Mousse 2X Portions
3 Tbsp gelatin powder (3 Tbsp too soft)
1/2 Cup (100 gm) granulated white sugar
6 Tbsp (90 ml) Cool water
250 gm Whipping cream (400 gm a bit too much)
450 gm (3 pieces) ripe avocados fresh ( I used 600-700 gm)
2 Tbsp (30 ml) Lemon juice
1 Cup (240 gm)whole milk
Method :-
1) Mix the gelatin with sugar and add cool water
2) Whip the fresh cream till soft peaks, add in half of gelatin mix
3) Whip the Avocado, sugar with milk, add in half of gelatin mix
4) Mix them together and pour over the biscuit base.
5) Chill inside the fridge for at least 2 hours to make the mouse set
Comments :-
Too soft and more like ice cream. I think whipping cream too much.
1 Tbsp gelatin powder
1/4 Cup (54 g) granulated white sugar - spilt into 2 parts
3 Tbsp (45 ml) Cool water
150 gm (2 pieces) ripe avocados fresh
1 Tbsp (15 ml) Lemon juice
1/2 Cup (120 gm)whole milk, divided into half
1/2 Cup (120 gm) Whipping cream, divided into half
NOTE: To avoid getting a bitter avocado mousse, please do not cook the avocado. In the video, I had turned the stove off before adding gelatin and avocado into the heated milk. Apparently, avocado turns bitter when cooked for too long. *1 cup = 240 ml *1 tbsp = 15ml *1 tsp = 5 ml Yield: one 15 cm round cake Ingredients: → Crust base 60 g digestive biscuit or graham cracker 40 g (3 tbsp) unsalted butter, melted → Avocado mousse 9 g (1 tbsp) gelatin powder 45 ml (3 tbsp) cool water 150 g (2 qty) ripe avocados, without the pits 15 ml (1 tbsp) lemon juice 120 g (½ cup) whole milk, divided into half 120 g (½ cup) whipping cream, divided into half 54 g (¼ cup) granulated white sugar → Chocolate ganache 50 g (1.76 oz) dark chocolate, chopped small 50 g (3 tbsp + 1 tsp) whipping cream ________________________________________________________ NOTE: Alpukatnya jangan dimasak supaya gak jd pahit. Di dalam video, saya udah matiin api kompor sebelum masukin gelatin dan alpukat ke dalam susu panas. Ternyata alpukat bisa jadi pahit kalau dimasak kelamaan. Resep puding alpukat yang pakai agar-agar: https://youtu.be/ulX_X92ui38 *1 sdm = 15ml *1 sdt = 5 ml Hasil: satu kue berdiameter 15 cm Bahan-bahan: → Lapisan biskuit 60 g biskuit gandum atau marie 40 g (3 sdm) mentega cair → Mousse alpukat 9 g (1 sdm) bubuk gelatin 45 ml (3 sdm) air putih bersuhu ruangan 150 g (2 buah) alpukat matang, tanpa biji 15 ml (1 sdm) air perasan lemon 120 g (8 sdm) susu segar full cream, dibagi dua 120 g (8 sdm) whipping cream, dibagi dua 54 g (4 sdm) gula pasir → Coklat ganache 50 g coklat hitam, dipotong kecil 50 g (3 sdm + 1 sdt) whipping cream
Avocado Cream Cheese Mousse Cake
I have modified this Avocado Cream Cheese Mouse Cake
Avocado Mousse 2X Portions for 2 cakes
3 Tbsp Gelatin Powder (2 Tbsp too soft)
3 Tbsp Sugar (to mix with Gelatin Powder)
6 Tbsp (50 ml) Cold Water
3 (450 gm) Ripe Avocados
1/2 can condensed milk (supposed to be 1 can)
2 blocks (2 cups) Cream Cheese (225 gm X 2)
250 ml heavy Whipping Cream, cold
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1 Lemon Zest
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract (optional)
Comments :-
1. Do not mix the gelatin, sugar and water early, they will be harden in no time. However, if that happens, put it into microwave for 30 seconds, take out and stir, it should be liquid again.Avocado Pudding
Avocado Mousse Cake
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