芋头扣肉 Hakka Q Nyuk with Yam
扣肉 is a Hakka famous dish! So famous that it is a must-have on the menu for big auspicious event including Chinese New Year, Winter Solstice Festival, Wedding, Birthday Celebration, Fullmoon etc etc. I am a sucker of this dish, if it is on the menu, I would rather eat it and not
Q Nyuk Marinate Sauce :-
Fried Shallots & Garlic
Soya Sauce
Oyster Sauce
Caramel Sauce
Red Bean Curbs
Soy Beans
5 Spice Powder
Star Anise
2 Kg Pork
2.5 Kg Yam (large)
(The following is for 1 Kg Pork)
少许白醋 - dash of white vinegar 少许 黑酱油/老抽 - dash of black soy sauce 30克小葱头 - 30g shallot 1茶匙 盐 - 1 tsp salt 1汤匙 豆酱 - 1 tbsp Bean Sauce (Taucu) 4块 南乳/红腐乳 - 4 piece fermented red bean curd ½ 茶匙 胡椒粉 - ½ tsp white pepper ½ 茶匙 五香粉 - ½ tsp five spice powder 3汤匙 蚝油 - 3 tbsp oyster sauce 两汤匙 酱油 - 1 tsp soy sauce 一汤匙蜜糖 - 1 tbsp honey 4汤匙 蒜米 - 4 tbsp garlic 2 汤匙 花雕酒 - 2 tbsp Huadiao wine 200ml 温水 - 200ml Warm water
Khew Yuk (pork with yam)
Hakka's Khew yuk
Makes about 8 big chinese soup bowls
6 kg pork belly (cut into 3 long chunks, go with the grain)
4 kg yam
Oil for deep-frying
300g garlic, chopped
50g shallots, chopped
500 gm nam yee (red fermented bean curd)
100 gm chit pian (candied mandarin orange), minced
1 - 1 1/2 tablespoon five-spice powder
1-2 star anise, optional
1/2 cup brandy or 'mei kuei lu' (chinese rose wine)*
300g crushed rock sugar, dissolved in 1L hot water
light soy sauce
dark soy sauce
To prepare the yam:
1) Peel and cut into 4 cm x 6 cm and 1 cm thick slices.
2) Rub the pieces lightly with light soy sauce.cv /,.mhgfa
3) Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown. Drain and keep aside.
To prepare the pork:
1) Blanch pork in boiling water for about 5 minutes and drain.
2) Cut each piece lengthwise about 6 cm wide.
3) Rub light and dark soy sauce all over the pork.
4) Deep fry in hot oil until skin turns brown and crispy. Drain.
5) Soak the fried pork in water until the skin soften.
6) Cut into 1 cm thickness.
7) Marinate pork pieces with a tablespoon of num yee, 4-5 tablespoons minced garlic, 1 tablespoon shallots, 1/2 T 5-spice powder and 2 T chopped chit pian.
8) Save about 3-4 T each of garlic and chit pian for the final assembly of the dish (to sprinkle on the bottom of each bowl before assembling the meat and yam).
Sauce: (the most crucial stage - either make or break the dish)
1) Heat 5 T oil and fry the remaining garlic and shallots until fragrant and light golden in color.
2) Add nam yee, constantly stirring, smashing it up until it turns fragrant and the oil rises.
3) Add in the rock sugar water, chit pian, the rest of 5-spice powder and soy sauce.
Now taste - it should taste a tad more salty, sweet and intense than the final result you want because the steaming will dilute the sauce a little.
Bring to boil. Let it cool.
Add the brandy or the Mei Kue Ru Rose wine
One very clear and good reference video I followed for my first Q-Nyuk :-
色泽金黄肥而不腻的五花肉,配上酥而不烂的粉芋头 这样做的五花肉肥而不腻,口感绵软 肉中有芋味,芋粉肉香入口即化。 材料 A: Ingredients A: 1公斤 五花肉(汆烫大概15~20分钟) - 1kg Pork Belly (blanched for about 15~20 minutes) 1~2杯 食用油,炸用 - 1~2 cups oil for deep-frying 冰水浸泡30分钟 - Soak in ice water for 30 minutes 材料 B: Ingredients B: 1kg 芋头 - 1kg Taro 2~3支 竹签 - 2~3 Bamboo stick 调味料: Seasoning 少许白醋 - dash of white vinegar 少许 黑酱油/老抽 - dash of black soy sauce 30克小葱头 - 30g shallot 1茶匙 盐 - 1 tsp salt 1汤匙 豆酱 - 1 tbsp Bean Sauce (Taucu) 4块 南乳/红腐乳 - 4 piece fermented red bean curd ½ 茶匙 胡椒粉 - ½ tsp white pepper ½ 茶匙 五香粉 - ½ tsp five spice powder 3汤匙 蚝油 - 3 tbsp oyster sauce 两汤匙 酱油 - 1 tsp soy sauce 一汤匙蜜糖 - 1 tbsp honey 4汤匙 蒜米 - 4 tbsp garlic 2 汤匙 花雕酒 - 2 tbsp Huadiao wine 200ml 温水 - 200ml Warm water 猪肉放调味料腌制两个小时 中火蒸煮 90分钟 - medium heat steaming for 90 minutes
My version :-
1) When you buy the pork belly, let the butcher knows that you are making Q-Nyuk and they will prepare for you.
2) Boil with coffee water for a while or with ginger and Xao Shing Wine to get rid of the smell.
3) Wash and cool down in cold running tap water. Prick the skin as much as possible (oil will come out). Wipe with vinegar and add salt, let it set for 10 mins for oil to come out. Wipe away. Wipe with little bit of dark soya sauce all over the pork, prick in toothpicks until 2mm stikcing out.
3) Fry the pork with cold wok and cold oil and let it fry till brown and immerse in ice cold water. Fry the yam slices till slighly brown.
4) Make the marinate and soak the meat in for 1-2 hours or longer. Assemble the pork and yam and arrange tightly. Steam for 20 mins stong fire and the rest of 70 mnins slow medium heat.
5) Pour out the sauce from the bowl, make them into thicker sauce with adding corn starch and more water. Keep separately, when time to consume, pour the sauce at the end.
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