Baked Tapioca


Baked Ubi Kayu Recipe - Best Recipe

1800 gm freshly grated tapioca

800 gm coconut milk

320 gm sugar (less from 400 gm)

2 tsp fine salt

100 gm unsalted butter, softened

8 egg yolks

60 gm butter bits or grated cheese

1. Squeeze liquid out of shredded Tapioca 

2. The liquid should be abt 440-560 gm, if less than 440 gm add water 80 gm water.

3. Combine tapioca juice, coconut milk, sugar, salt, butter, egg yolks into a pan. Boil over medium heat, stir continuously until thicken into cream like custard and pourable state.

4. Combine the tapioca pulps into the slightly cooled custard mixture, stir until no more lumps. 

5. Break some butter or cheese on top of the batter before baking.

Bake 180 C 40-50 mins


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