CNY 2025 Year of Snake Prosperity Toss (Lau Sang)
CNY 2025 Year of Snake Prosperity Toss (Lau Sang / Yee Sang) This year, we decided to try the say the Prosperity Toss in numbers from 1 to 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 ! 一帆风顺 二龙腾飞 三羊开泰 四季平安 五福临门 六六大顺 七星高照 八方来财 九九同心 十全十美 百事亨通 千事吉祥 万事如意 Prosperity gods coming thru the door ! The Singaporean's Origin of Yee Sang :- Prosperity Idioms for Lau Sang / Yee Sang There are variations of the auspicious phrases over the decades (since lou hei yee sang first appeared in the 1960s). Here are the common ones (in Mandarin Chinese): Fish 年年有餘 (nián nián yǒu yú) Always have more than enough Carrots 鸿运当头 (hóng yùn dāng tóu) May good fortune be upon you Green radish 青春常驻 (qīng chūn cháng zhù) May you be youthful and vital always White radish 风生水起 (fēng shēng shuǐ qǐ) May your success roar like the wind and waves Pamelo ...